Sun, 26 April 2015


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About Project

Aims | Implementations | Activities

1) N.5 European conferences about the theme of the disability connected with the mobility in five different Countries of Europe.

The European conferences will be set up in 5 different Countries. Four of them will be devoted to treat a specific theme; meanwhile the last one will be the closure conference and will summarize the work and the results of the others. The conferences will be:

a) “The disabled & the facilitator: a complex relation”, April 2005 Wroclaw (Poland).

b) “Design and Disability”, May 2005 Delft (The Netherlands).

c) “The disabled and the European programs of student mobility”, TBA

d) “The European legislation about the disabilities”, TBA

e) “The Closing Conference”, TBA

2) A group of local activities consisting in seminars, debates, researches about the theme of the disabilities all over Europe.

The local activities planned within the project are a general category including all those activities directed to a local target and focused on the theme of the disabilities. They mostly consist in local seminars, debates, spreading of information.

3) A survey sent to all the locals of AEGEE and directed to get an overview of the integration of the disabled people in all of the university cities of Europe.

A survey will be sent to all the locals of AEGEE. It will monitor the integration of the disabled people in the cities of Europe: it will ask about public transports, public services, the access to the Institutions and to the public libraries, and all those kind of subjects. A member of the Team who is disabled is taking care of preparing this survey, and in the end all the information collected will be summarized on the final publication.

4) An internal action within AEGEE directed to increase knowledge and awareness of the disabilities and to promote the involvement of young people with a disability in the events of the organization.

Knowledge and the awareness of the dimension of the young people with a disability will be increased through a group of individuals devoted to discuss the theme, and for what concerns the involvement of the disabled people in the AEGEE events, it will be promoted first of all within the project “Summer University”, that’s the biggest and the most populated project of AEGEE, and that’s already in close contact with the Team and it is creating a category of events that are accessible by the disabled people.

5) A publication summarizing all the results of the previous activities to be spread all around Europe and to be sent to the European Commission and to the Council of Europe.

A publication will be realised at the end of the project. It will be a summary of all of the results of each activity. It will be a report with some statistics, but even a sort of operator manual for the organizers of an event involving even disabled people. It will be delivered within AEGEE through the general mailing and a desk at the Statutory Meetings of the association, but it will be sent even to the other organizations focused on the theme of the disabilities, to the administrative offices devoted to the thematic and to the European Commission and the Council of Europe.


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