
- General Articles
- Papers from International Studies Association
- Articles by Dusan Batakovic
- Articles of the Alternative Media Network
- Articles from "Eurobalkans"
- Other Collections of Articles

General Articles

In Kosova, War is Peace
Veton Surroi

The New Adolf Hitler?
Timothy Garton Ash

Doing Injury to History
Henry A. Kissinger

Bombing Serbia is Dangerously Counterproductive
Jonathan Power

Email Assist for Yugoslavia
Leander Kahney

Frontline Documentary on Slobodan Milosevic 

Kosovo's Slippery Slope
George Kenney

Net Dispatches from Kosovo's War
Leander Kahney and James Glave

Notes on the Kosovo Problem and the International Community
Diane  Johnstone

Prospects for Peace in Kosovo
Howard Clark 

Yugoslav Net at the Brink
Leander Kahney

Kosovo-Methohija - Political Aspect of the Problem
Slobodan Samardzic

Internet Discussion with Prof. Emmert on Kosovo
Thomas Emmert

The issues raised by Bosnia, and the transatlantic debate
Marie-Janine Calic, Nicole Gnesotto, Jane Sharp and Susan Woodward Edited by Sophia Clement Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union Chaillot Papers, Nr. 32, Paris, Mai 1998
The Papers, although written already before the Kosovo War in 1999, show the urgance of better cooperation between USA and EU in security issues.

Joint Recommendations on the Kosovo Conflict (download)
Research Group on European Affairs / CAP
Kosovo Albanian and Serbian intellectuals, together with international experts met in 1997. In a joint dialogue they developed recommendations to find a way out of the crisis in Kosovo.

Der Westen und Kosovo. Ein leidvoller Erfahrungsprozess
Von Markus Spillmann
in: Internationale Politik 8/99
Mit den Luftangriffen gegen Ziele in Kosovo, Serbien und Montenegro hat das Atlantische Buendnis 50 Jahre nach seiner Gruendung ein Einlenken der gegnerischen Partei erzwungen. Der Redakteur der Neuen Zuercher Zeitung unterzieht die Mission der NATO einer kritischen Wuerdigung, fragt, welche Schluesse der Westen aus dem Kosovo-Konflikt ziehen sollte und warnt vor der Illusion, dass im Falle Jugoslawiens der Frieden bereits gewonnen sei.

Unlearning the Lessons of Kosovo
by Ivo H. Daalder and Michael E. O'Hanlon
in: Foreign Policy, Fall 1999
What are the lessons and the legacy of Operation Allied Force? President Bill Clinton emerged from the war confident that Kosovo set a new precedent‹a Clinton Doctrine‹for humanitarian intervention. Yet, the failure of many to predict the course of the war should give appropriate pause to those who have been quick to draw lessons from NATO's success. We offer a skeptical assessment of five of the most popular post-Kosovo truths. Seekers of a new doctrine of humanitarian intervention will be disappointed. The overall verdict on Kosovo is less likely to offer new lessons than to affirm old beliefs.

Der Balkan darf nicht in die EU
Von Wolfgang Bruckmann
in: DIE WELT vom 8. Juli 1999
Der Autor, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der SPD fur Aussen- und Europapolitik im Bundestag, plaediert dafuer die euro-atlantischen Strukturen nicht zu ueberfordern. Er kritisiert deshalb die EU-Beitrittsperspektive, die im Rahmen des Stabilitaetspaktes den Staaten Suedosteuropas eingeraeumt wurde.

Serbia between European Isolation and Integration
by Zoran Lutovac, Belgrad University
in: Eurobalkan, No. 34-35, Spring-Summer '99
Lutovac points out that the West had served Milosevic's needs and violated own interests by attacking Yugoslavia in 1999. "Collective social isolation led to the strengthening of group xenophobia, ethnic alienation and intolerance, expressed prejudices and stereotypes and the rejection of "alien" groups. In other words, the isolation together with the induction of nationalism and hyperpatriotism lead to homogenisation whose foundations are uncritical nationalism."

A Brief History of the War in Kosovo
by Florian Bieber, March 1999
The overwhelming responsibility for the crimes committed in Kosovo and all the ensuing events lies with the Yugoslav leadership. The Western countries, however, which had the means to prevent the killing, once again failed to act at the right time and with appropriate policies.

Verhinderte Nationen
Ueber den Umgang mit ethnischen Minderheiten
Von Martin Brusis und Josef Janning
in: Internationale Politik 9/99
Der moderne Staat, der sich etwa seit dem 18. Jahrhundert herausgebildet hat, hat keinen Platz fuer nationale Minderheiten vorgesehen. Er beruht auf der Theorie eines einheitlichen Staatsvolks, die in der Praxis aber oft auf das Problem nationaler Minderheiten stoesst, die man auch als "verhinderte Nationen" bezeichnen koennte. Die Autoren zeigen praktische Moeglichkeiten fuer den Umgang mit diesen Minderheiten innerhalb des Nationalstaats auf.

Regulierung ethnischer Konflikte in Suedosteuropa
Die Politik der Anerkennung
Von Ulrich Schneckener
in: Internationale Politik 9/99
Der Autor ueberprueft die Moeglichkeiten fuer den Erhalt der multinationalen und multiethnischen Vielfalt in der Region (Balkan-Stabilitaetspakt). Er entwickelt Modelle fuer eine langfristig angelegte Friedenspolitik und Arrangements fuer ein Zusammenleben der Volksgruppen auf Dauer. Eine Entschaerfung des Konfliktpotentials sieht Schneckener u.a. in der Anerkennung des territorialen Status quo.


Papers from the International Studies Association, 40th Annual Convention

Washington, D.C. February 16–20, 1999

Kosova and Metohija Migration Issues at the End of the 20th Century
Vladimir Grecic

Diplomacy and the Conflict in Kosovo — Notes on Threats and Fears
Zlatko Isakovic

Preventing Deadly Conflicts: Failures in Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Kosova
Raimo Väyrynen

Between Preventive Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution: The Macedonian Perspective of the Kosovo Crisis
Bilyana Vankovska-Cvetkovska

Articles by Dusan Batakovic

Kosovo-Methoija: The Serbo-Albanian Conflict

Cantonization of Kosovo-Methoija: A Proposal

Le Passe des Territoires: Kosovo-Metohija (XVIIIe-XXe Siecle)

Articles of the Alternative Media Network

Comparing Kosovo with Turkish Kurdistan
(AIM Athens, 22 April, 1998)

Thousends of   Refugees from Kosovo have flooded into Albanian
(AIM Tirana, 28 March 1999)

Situation in Macedonia - NATO Attacks in Yugoslavia Peace Paid by War!?
(AIM Skopje, 26 March, 1999)

Reactions in the Federation to Bombardment of Yugoslavia From Approval to Sharp Opposition
(AIM Sarajevo, 26 March, 1999 )

Realist Greek Foreign Policy Embarrassed Anew by Returning Anti-Western Serbophilia
(AIM Athens, 25 March, 1999)

Croatia and NATO Air-Strikes in FR Yugoslavia Walking on Egg-Shells
(AIM Zagreb, 29 March, 1999)

Tirana: A Day After
(Remzi Lani, AIM Tirana, 25 March)


Articles from EUROBALKANS

The Historical and Conceptual Foundation of the Greater Albania Project
Slavenko Terzic*

Religion and Kosovo
Hieromonk Sava Janjic

An attempt to Identify Types of Women in Kosovo and Metohija
Jelena Predojevic

The Crisis in Kosova
Enver Hasani

Preshevo Region
Tahir Dalipi

Power-sharing Proposal for Kosovo
Bogdan Ivanisevic

European and American Diplomacy in Kosovo
Zoran Lutovac

Why did Kosova Happen?
Baton Haxhiu

Kosovo-Metohija in the 20th Century: Nationalism and Communism
Dusan T. Batakovic

Kosmet Issue
N.D.A. Arvanites

The Collapse of Yugoslavia and the Status of Kosovo
Zoran Lutovac

The Kosovo Problem
Baton Haxhiu


Other Collections of Articles

Foreign Policy In Focus: Keys to Stability in the Balkans
Volume 4, Number 33, November 1999

Kosovo - Avoiding another Balkan War
edited by Hanos Veremis and Evangelos Kofos

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