HOW TO... Action Day

Dear organiser,


You have decided to contribute to AEGEE Flagship Project 2008 „Sustaining Our Future.” That’s great!

European day of Environment is the debute of the Project!! It's symbolic that our project starts in 5th of June, in World's Environmental Day.


You can activate your collegues, your friends , your family, your teachers, and inform them about where we all stand in terms of environment and what we can actually implement to our lives in order to know our environment better.

Action day is your way !!!

Fast , simple and drastic . Theories need practice!




Here are some simple guidelines, how you can achieve that.


1.       Take a closer look to our website . Here you can find some backround information about current envriromental issues, like global warming, scarse of natural resources ,and also initiatives which are currenlt taking place all over the world.  In the download section you can find our materials that can be used to distribute to the participants of your EDE. Check also the part with links Be part of a bif Family


2.       Discuss the EDE within the members of your antenna. Make some brainstroming and write down your ideas .  Let us know for your ideas and inititives.

Contact SU.FU. team ,EDE responsible : Olga Daskali


3.       Research! Talk to professos, fellow students ,graduates-what do they think should be done better in your university , what can be improves ? Test their knowledges –what they know, what they don’t ?  Do not make big questionnaires , just talk to few people who can give you enough background information , and some directions for the EDE.


4.       Gather your informaion and start organising :

Ø       Target group –students in your university? Other universities? Young scholars? Youth NGOs?Local Community ? ,etc..

Ø       Set your aims – they should be realistic and according to the potetials of your antenna.

Ø       Capacities and Motivation – Do you want to do something for few hours? The whole day ? Last more ? Does your antenna have enough human resources, funds? 



5.       Partners! It’s always better to cooperate in these kind of activities. You have wider traget

Group and you come in touch with the local authorities or other youth organisations who may help you in future events. Student Unions, enthusiastic university staff, other NGOs. Discuss your ideas , plan with them . Maybe they are experts on the issue and can provide even more information. Finalise your aims and your activities.


How to find Partners : University lectures and deans can sometimes be impressed by your belief into the activities and the innovative ideas. Persuade your friends outside the university to join you . Get in contact with the municipality , theyn always support thes kind of ideas.

Active students find their way !!


6.       Give a structure to your team – who does what and when ? who is the main

coordinator? Make a clear task divition , put a concrete time frame (preparations, event, evaluation).Be precise , put deadlines and people responsible for these!!

In case of help needed ( drafting activities, defining aims,where to find more information , speakers, etc) – just ask us . We are here to make it easier for you !



7.       Funding ! You need resources. Ask support from your university and local authorities .

You can make your activity inside the university or in the municipality hall . They can provide you free drinks/food or you can get a discount .

You can arrange with the prinitng house of your university to make all your needed copies-papers either for free , or with discount.

You can ask from the municipality to provide bicycles , equipment for the site cleaning , the municipality bus for an excursion. 




8.       Search for speakers , workshop leaders . University teaching staff, politicians, youth workers, drama teachers, alumni of student NGOs. Try to involve as soon as possible ! Discuss with them the whole content. Maybe they can have good ideas and could give extra value to the event. They are busy so contact them as soon a spossible.


9.       Find your location . For outdoors activities pick a location which can be easily approached  . For conferenses , debates, your university campus , or other public places can be useful. .Some evening activities, like discussiosnca take place in more alternative places like cafes abnd it would be nice to end your day with a party !



10.   Promotion-Advertisement!! We live in the world of images so attraction plays important role.Let us know for your activity and it will be shown in our website. On local level use local newspapers, your antenna’s website. Posters and flyers in visible and popular palcescan help us well . Send press releases to invite journalists to you event.


11.   Equipment. Take as many photos as possible , and if you have a camera is even better. Record the discussions , the debates. Keep a file for this day. Send all your material to SU.FU. team and we will make sure that your day will be published and remain unforgetable . Fill in the evaluation form given by SU.FU.



12.   Last minute details : technical support, speakers, materials,participants ;-)


13.   Feedback please ! It’s important in order to evaluate your work . Ask from the particiants to share with you their opinion about the event itself , the content and the organisation in general.



14.   Party time – YOU DID GREAT!  Take some rest and be sure that you made a difference, your impact will be shown in the future.




15.   This is not the end ;-) ! Probably and hopefully EDE has raised questions and problems tha participants and organisres would like to discuss more and take action in solving them. Try to get together the partners who helped you in EDE and make a follow-up for the event! It’s up to you to make a change !!!!



In case you need something just mail to


Good Luck !!!!!!!!!  It’s yours now !!!!


Friendly Greedings

SU.FU. Team