As a major interdisciplinary European student association we think that care for our living environment and sustainibility should involve more the young people living in Europe.


"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

The World Commission on Environment and Development (also called Brundtland Commission), 1987


This Flagship Project, initiated and carried out by a multicultural team consisting of young people from different parts of Europe, aimed to raise knowledge and involvement of European youth and their communities in the topic of sustainable development.


As active members of European youth organisations, we saw this topic as an important part towards creating shared sense of European identity and integration and felt that as representatives of future generation it is our responsability to take an active role in it.


The project consisted of local, intermediate and European level different activities like training courses, case study visits, action days, youth exchanges, surveys and conferences focusing on following components: European citizenship, education for sustainable development, sustainable living solutions and consumption patterns and social responsability of European youth organisations. Non-formal education methods and cross-cultural learning were used as main elements to reach our aims.