Danube - source of inspiration

Date: 15-21 August 2009

Venue: Danube Delta, Romania


Aim: The focus of this seminar will be the sustainable development in Danube Delta and nature conservation while also looking at the cultural side of Danube river which inspired many artists during the time.

Description: During this week, the participants will have the chance to explore the Danube river in its Delta region and learn sustainable development in Danube Delta and what problems that endanger this ecosystem. Participants will also learn about how this river has influenced art and cultures over time, how nature can be muse to people and how welfare of ecosystems also influences welfare of human societies. This will be done through different non-formal education methods like discussions, group work, artistic assignments, site visits to villages and natural sites, evening social activities. High importance of Danube river and its role in Europe’s natural and cultural diversity will be exposed, as well as young people’s role in preserving it.

Study visits: Letea Forest , Uzlina-Isacel-Isacova

Action day: Perisor Beach


Sustainable Development presentation
