
Scenario 1

  • start with something that confronts the group with information that will lead to an area of inquiry. This can be anything: a video, a powerpoint presentation, a newspaper article, a song
  • individual reaction of the students: have you experienced something similar? What do you think of it?...
  • compare: similarities and differences of students point of view
  • let students work on it through discussions, group-work, role-play (depending on the subject)

Scenario 2 (exploring concept)

  • state two countries and give one as a postive and one as a negative example, but do not let the students know what they are an example of (e.g. take EU/ non-EU countries; Schengen/ not Schengen; Euro/ not Euro)
  • state a second pair of positive and negative examples and let the students try to find out what the countries are examples of; let them generate and test their hypotheses
  • go on until they find the solution
  • let them name more positive and negative examples
  • use this as a basis for a discussion

Scenario 3 (role-play)

  • warm up the group: introduce to the the problem (maybe with a little story) and make the problem explicit
  • explain the concept of role-playing
  • select participants: decide wether all students should play or just a selection. If all, divide them into groups and tell that everyone should come up with a solution
  • set the stage: get inside the problem situation
  • give time to prepare the role-play
  • enact: let them show what they have come up with
  • discuss and evaluate: review the action and discuss the mayor focus. What solution did the group(s) come up with and why?
  • Relate problem situation and solution with real life experience

Scenario 4 (simulation)

  • present the topic of the simulation and explain how it works. Give an overview of the steps
  • set up the scenario by giving rules, roles, procedures, types of decisions
  • start the game and give a little feedback after a few minutes. Tell what is good and bad and if necessary give more directions
  • summarise what they have done after the offical ending of the simulation and compare it to real life experience