Organise an event!

How can you organise an event?

Dear local antenna,

We’re very happy you consider supporting actively our project Education Unlimited! and therefore in this sec-tion we would like you to provide with concrete ideas and specific activities that will give you the possibility contributing on local level to improve European education.

As you might already know Education Unlimited! seeks to involve young people in designing their learning experience by creating a bridge between formal and non-formal education. This aim can be achieved in first place at grass root level with the participation of you, the local antenna!

Why should you support Education Unlimited!?

  • With organizing local activities in the frame of Higher Education and in this way demonstrating that AEGEE is dealing with a serious topic that affects all European students whether they’re active in any student organization or not your antenna will be given the chance to receive higher reputation from both university staff and students.
  • It is also a great opportunity to make your AEGEE antenna visible by promoting not only events that are related to fun, culture or parties but showing that in actual developments towards a united Europe such as the agreements of the Lisbon Agenda and Bologna Process there is the need and possi-bility to improve and change these agreements.
  • As a consequence of frequent presences at university due to your events in the frame of the AEGEE Flagship project you’ll attract many students interested in the topic who might become new potential active members.

How can you support Education Unlimited!? What kind of support will you get?

There are several ways for your antenna to organize activities in the frame of Education Unlimited!:

Discussion clubs/Round table debates

  • Gather representatives of student unions, other youth NGOs and university staff as well as common students to discuss their opinion of BP
  • Collect proposals and suggestions for possible changes or improvements hand them to our results coordinator who will put them together with the outcomes from other antennas.
  • Organization of regional debates including different universities.

Our support for you: general information material on the history and developments of Lisbon Agenda and BP from our thematic coordinator.


  • Inform students about history and development of BP, NFE, LLL or recognition of FE and NFE and discuss ways of improvement (chose one or two topics) - multiplier effect; collect proposals for results coordinator

Our support for you: general information material on the topics from our thematic coordinators, possibility to provide trainers (in case of bigger trainings)

Interactive Workshops:

  • Use interactive methods to show the idea of NFE in close cooperation with YnterAct - training in forum theatre and interactive debate establishing local interactive debating clubs

Our support for you: provide you with contacts to YnterAct project team; detailed information about forum theatre and interactive debate

Joint-letter-sending action:

  • Members of each AEGEE local write a letter to respective ministers and to European-level decision makers asking for recognition of their participation in NFE activities, explaining its importance and the benefits gained from it.
  • All letters sent at similar time (person to be chosen) - Result: impressive “flood” effect

Our support for you: Information on the website about the exact time when and where to send your letter

Host local for international conferences/seminars:

  • Provide accommodation, food, logistics, programme in the evenings, local FR and PR
  • Organize different speakers and lecturers

Our support for you: main responsibility for content - provide you with concrete topic and ideas what should be included; help with finding speakers and lectures or with applications for grants on European level; strong cooperation with our content coordinator; provide WS leaders from our team

Education Action Week:

  • Activities, lasting one- or a few-days, organized all over the European network within the same week, aiming at attracting young people to the topic of education and learning, informing (with the help of the materials)

Our support for you: WS at EBM/AGORA to show different examples of how to get involved (specific activities); provide with information materials (posters, gadgets, balloons etc.) and special website with more information

Thematic exchanges:

  • Initiation of thematic exchanges between two universities through AEGEE locals
  • Hosting local arranges meeting with their university staff and organises WS on educational systems of both sides participating in exchange
  • WS consists of brief presentations and informal exchange of good and bad practices - same happens on the next stage of exchange, in another country

Our support for you: help with development of thematic part of programme; provide concrete description of idea behind

Summer University Education Tour:

  • Debates between participants on different educational systems - things they like, and don’t like about their own and other systems
  • Introduction of interactive methodology of theatre forum or debate
  • Recording the participants expressing opinions, discussing, participating in and evaluating SU activities. - Material will be contribution to a film.

Our support for you: information on website and also some info material; possibility to send WS leaders from our team to SU

If we convinced you to be a part of Education Unlimited! do not hesitate to contact us. If we still haven’t convinced you, maybe you would like to read more about how other students acted in their university and really managed to change something!