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VISA information
Dear Movie Festival Applicant,
More information about visa policies can be found in the homepage of Auswaertiges Amt (German Foreign Affairs) to see if you need a visa. You should further know, if you need only an invitation to show on the border, or a visa. E.g. Bulgarians and Romanians need only an invitation.
To get an invitation
Send a mail to containing:
• Your full name written in Latin alphabet, without circumflexes, accents, etc.
• Number, issuer, expiration of your passport
• Your nationality
• On which dates will you enter, resp. leave the Schengen zone?
To get a VISA
Once you hold the invitation in your hands, or even before that, contact the German embassy in your country to make an appointment. In some countries this can take too long, and you get an appointment after the event, so if you had similar problems, contact the visa responsible.
After that you have to fill up this document in English or in Russian, with the corresponding entries as follows:
20. Jugendherberge Karlsruhe; Moltkestraße 24; 76133 Karlsruhe
Kurzaufenthalt 23. Einzelvisum 24. einmalige Einreise 25. 7 Tage (or as written on the invitation)
Kultur/Sport and write on the line below: Besuch eines Filmfestivals 30. as written on the invitation
31. as written on the inivtation
Don't leave empty! 34. Name: AEGEE-Karlsruhe, Fax: +49/721/608-4290, att: AEGEE, Anschrift: AEGEE Karlsruhe, c/o UStA, Adenauerring 7, 76131 Karlsruhe, e-mail
einladendes Unternemner, and write below: AEGEE Karlsruhe uebernimmt die Unterkunft und zwei Malzeit pro Tag aufgrund dem noch zu zahlenden Teilnehmerbeitrags.
When you get an invitation from us, you need to prove that you will have medical insurance for the time of the event in Germany. If you cannot, you will have to sign a health contract here.
Once you have a visa, transfer the participant fee to the Shooting Europe account
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