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Quo Vadis Europe?


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Summit of 28

Essay Contest


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Write an essay of about 1000 words in English on your vision on the Europe of tomorrow. Is the enlargement process going to come to a successful end, or will the European Union be divided by internal struggle for power? Describe how Europe will look like in 2030 by focussing on one of the following topics:

  • 1) How will the enlargement process affect the relations between the EU and non EU countries after the admission of some of the applicant countries?
  • 2) Young people don't want to get involved in European politics, why is this so? How do you think it could be changed?
  • 3) How will the enlargement process affect you? What will change in your life because of it?
Express your opinion, send us your essays to quovadisessay@aegee.org before the 28th of February.

Prize: Free participation in a Summer University of AEGEE

The Essay contest aims to enlarge the scope of the Quo Vadis Europe? Project. It will bring the aims and objectives of the project to the attention of a wider audience, and involve a larger number of young people in the exchange of ideas. The essay contest will be promoted in more than 500 institutes for higher education throughout Europe. Students and young professionals will be asked to express their opinion, to share their visions and expectations of Europe’s future in a personal essay dealing with the topic EU enlargement. In order to enable as many young people as possible to participate. The winning essays will be published in the result book, the CD-ROM and the Quo Vadis Europe? Web pages.
